Inspection Tab Screen

Use this screen to view, add, or modify inspection information. Fields in this screen that appear in gray cannot be edited.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Appointment Date Enter the date of the appointment in this field, or select it by clicking the calendar icon.
(appointment time) This field is enabled when you enter or select the appointment date. Enter the appointment time.
Date Inspected Enter the date of the inspection in this field, or select it by clicking the calendar icon.
Site Type

Valid values include Home, Other, Repair Facility(default selection), and Work. The selection you make here populates the Inspection Information fields if available.

Name Enter the name of the inspection facility.
Contact Name This is the name of the person at the inspection facility with whom you deal most frequently.
Email Enter the inspection facility person email address.
Address 1 The street address where inspection took place.
Address 2 Enter any additional address information (e.g., street number, building number) in this field.
City/State/Zip Enter the city name, select the state from the droplist, and enter the postal code information in the appropriate fields.
Phone Number(s) The selected contact phone number are listed in this section.
Phone Type This option describes the type of phone number. Phone types include Business,Car, Cellular, Day, Evening, Fax, Modem, Other, and Pager.
Phone Number Enter the area code, phone number and extension in this field.
Order This indicates the primary and secondary phone numbers.
(phone blue up and down arrows) Use these arrows to move the selected phone number up or down the list. This is visible if Other is selected from the Site Type droplist.
(red X) This button removes the selected phone number from th list. This is visible if Other is selected from the Site Type droplist.
Work Assigned This is a free form field where a brief description of the work that has been assigned for the inspection (e.g., Inspect Only). If the insurance company is using the Assignment Type Conversion feature, this information is displayed in the Assignment Type field below.
Estimated Days to Repair This value is the estimate of how long it will take to repair the vehicle at the time the inspection was conducted..
Current Assignment Type Claim office inspection codes and descriptions are selectable from this droplist.
Original Assignment Type The original assignment type is displayed if another assignment type is selected from the droplist.


Workfile - Inspection Tab







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